ORIGIN early 17th cent.: via French from Italian gazzetta, originally gazeta de la novità (because the news-sheet sold for a gazeta, a Venetian coin of small value)

Friday, December 3, 2010

School Visit in Paris

What fun! Yesterday, I visited a class of fourth and fifth graders at the École 109, avenue Parmentier in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. Their teacher, Fabien Pacilly-Gamboa, had prepared them for my visit, and as a result, we all had a fabulous time. Not only had every single student read Combinaison gagnante, they were prepared with questions and comments about character development, whether it was difficult to imagine a fictional story and create a plot, and why I wrote in French instead of English. Many thanks to Fabien and his lively students for a wonderful visit.

The front door to the school 
109, avenue Parmentier, Paris 11e

Questions and Answers

The CM1 / CM2 class with the visiting author

Fabien and a few of his students


  1. I wish I could always visit classes like this one! It must be really nice to have such an enthusiastic "accueil" (can't find an English word for this very French souding sentence, sorry! Am a bit tired ;) )
    Nice to have seen you in Montreuil.

  2. This is so great! I wish you could visit kore classrooms in France. That is a great incentive for them to read and... to realize that anyone can write in a language that is not their language originally. Of course there are authors doing that already, but most are concerned with adults. For chidren that young to meet someone like you is an opportunity of a life time, and an optimistic eye-opener. Bravo!

  3. Hi,

    nice to meet you in Montreuil !


  4. Hi Jane !
    Je ne vais pas me lancer en anglais, je crois que je n'y arriverai pas, je voulais juste te dire que j'ai été ravie de te rencontrer à la soirée Talents hauts à Montreuil.
    Peut-être à une prochaine fois!

  5. Merci à Gaêl, Sarah, Julien, et Mayana. Montreuil, c'était l'occasion pour moi de faire beaucoup de rencontres, de me sentir moins seule dans mon coin. Faut que je trouve un moyen pour y revenir l'année prochaine. Mais d'ici là, il y a de quoi faire. Allez, au boulot ! Courage et bonne chance à tous. Et restons en contact.

  6. Hi Jane, Just happened by on a whim and stumbled upon this entry. Boy, do I love Paris! How wonderful for you to spend time in a classroom there!

  7. Hello Jane, of course i remember you!!!! This blog of yours looks wonderful, I should hang out more in the internet... As I work in traditional techniques, this can sometimes be complicated though!! Great to be in touch!!!

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