ORIGIN early 17th cent.: via French from Italian gazzetta, originally gazeta de la novità (because the news-sheet sold for a gazeta, a Venetian coin of small value)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Children Love Poetry

The first graders I teach at the French International School in Washington, DC, love poetry. Every year, I am thrilled to see that no matter what anybody says about memorizing poetry, kids lap it up! And they adore the freedom of expression that it gives them once a poem is learned by heart.

Last week, these 6-year olds joyfully and raucously recited Dorothy Aldis's poem "Everybody Says." It goes like this:

Everybody Says
by Dorothy Aldis

Everybody says
I look just like my mother
Everybody says
I'm the image of Aunt Bee
Everybody says
my nose is like my father's
But I want to look like ME!

Dorothy Aldis (1896-1966) was a children's literature author and poet. 


  1. What lovely pictures, Jane. I didn't realize that you did poetry with the kids. That's great! Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

  2. Hola como esta amigos? yo se la tema es differente pero quise compartir con usted!excursiones en estambul
